


Please find below the latest news from TU Dublin Student Volunteering:

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A post shared by TU Dublin Student Volunteering (@tudublinvolunteering) Awarded the Coca-Cola #ThankYouFund
02/10/2024 - Awarded funding for our engagement of students with sustainability projects.

Launch of Youth Volunteering Toolkit Research
25/09/2024 - UCC Event to Highlight Volunteering Research

Free Online Workshops for you!
03/09/2024 - Click along and learn loads - all welcome!

Volunteering Fair Near You!
03/09/2024 - Event to visit and meet new Volunteer Involving Organisations!

Digital Badge from Open Courses
30/04/2024 - Join in students and staff welcome for June to maximise impact by expanding to third level institutions nationwide
05/03/2024 - All higher education and further education institutions are welcome to join in student-community action

On Instagram:
29/11/2023 - Find our latest TU Dublin Student Volunteering News and Events on our Instagram

Join Us! enables students to have the opportunity to: enrich your personal development and employability skills, have a fun experience, meet new people, and give back to your community. Sign up now.

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